Barfly Podcast Season Three Episode Six: Mimi Towle Part 2
“Gosh darn it,” said the manager emerging from behind the stack of wine boxes. Truth be told he didn’t use the word “gosh” or the words…
We sat on the little patio, just like we had many times before. Some places haven’t had to do much to adapt to changing seating requirements,…
I would quote the lyrics from the song “Summertime, Summertime” the 1958 hit single by The Jamies, made most famous perhaps by the California surf duo…
“Are you guys still open?” asked the clean-cut, suntanned youth. “We just want a drink,” said his equally tanned female companion. I recognized them right away.…
“This glass has lipstick on it,” said the server through the drink window. I smiled, because I have not heard that in over a year, and…
It’s the impressive rush of air that you feel first, as the hawk’s four foot flapping wings create enough back force to allow three inch razor…
Mother’s Day has always been one of the big three Spring events that loom large in the restaurant business, and loom even larger in the bar…